Considering Residential Treatment Centers

Considering Residential Treatment Centers

There are occasions when an individual’s specialized needs exceed their or their family’s ability to care for them. In these cases, it may be beneficial or even essential to consider committing the individual to a residential treatment center. 


A residential treatment facility monitors and manages the medical, psychological, and behavioral health of individuals, preparing them for safe and productive returns to the outside world if and when possible. Ideally, the individual will be able to focus solely on recovery without distraction or worry and enjoy better progress and results after the treatment. 


Residential treatment facilities can be categorized by how long they care for individuals, the issues or diagnoses they specialize in, and the methods or approaches they use in their treatments. 

Short-term vs. Long-term Residental Treatment 

The amount of time slated for recovery will correlate with the intensity and focus of the care provided. Short-term residential treatment facilities aim for a quick turnaround for those with behavioral or dependency issues, with programs typically lasting no more than six weeks. Short-term residential treatment programs differ from hospitalization in that the hospital’s mission is to stabilize acute symptoms, determine the next step, and potentially transfer the individual to a facility equipped to manage more chronic issues over a longer period of time.


Long-term residential treatment facilities may be necessary for more complicated or severe cases. Many of these house individuals for a span of 6 to 12 months, although may keep individuals for years or even permanently. These residencies are best suited for individuals with serious mental or developmental impairments that require closer and more concentrated attention. An Individual Treatment Plan (ITP) may be formulated as a number of specialists help your loved one strive toward his or her goal over time. 


Two people sitting at a table with a piece of paper between them


Mental Health Specialization

Some residential treatment facilities have a specialized focus, whether it’s for specific demographics (e.g. women, adolescents, children, former inmates), conditions (e.g. bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder), or issues (e.g. substance dependency, sex addiction or deviancies, etc.) As such, the types of therapies and personnel on hand will vary to best match the needs of the residents. 

A group of five people sitting outside on a sunny day

Residential Treatment Program Formats

As individual needs vary, so do the formats of programming and treatment. For instance, those with depressive or antisocial features may work through them in a therapeutic community setting, in which they build up better attitudes and self-concepts through guided interaction. An integrated treatment approach should be applied to those with co-occurring disorders or dual diagnoses. In this format, specialists from different disciplines team together to based on an individual’s unique needs. Conversely, a holistic residential treatment program is less based on a specific diagnosis and more on the totality of the individual’s needs. 

What is the best residential treatment center in Pennsylvania for me or my loved one? 

No person or case is exactly the same. ECCM is dedicated to guiding you to the course best adapted to your or your loved one's situation. We offer a breadth of care management services for persons of all backgrounds and ages. Contact us today for a consultation. 


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